Sunday, February 7, 2016

Machine Learning News Issue 5

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Machine Learning. This is issue 5, please feel free to share this post.

The Wachtell Way of E-Discovery

Maura Grossman, a Wachtell lawyer, developed a better way to do e-discovery. Why are so few other firms taking a lead with tech?

New Software Powered By Machine Learning Detects Nuclear Tests Like A Pro | CrazyEngineers

Computer Scientist Erik Sudderth from Brown University has developed a machine learning system that can detect nuclear tests performed under or on the...

IBM partners with micro-cap Bionik for machine learning algorithms in robotic exoskeleton

Several companies are working on robotic exoskeletons to enable more mobility for paraplegics, but few have focused on the data that could be generated from them. Now IBM has partnered with microcap robotic exoskeleton player Bionik Laboratories to do just that.

For healthcare, Google's cloud computing, machine learning developments steal Alphabet earnings spotlight

For anyone hoping for juicy details about Alphabet's healthcare and life science interests, its fourth quarter earnings call offered slim pickings. But if you listened to the bigger picture, the push to reorganize Google's cloud-based business offered plenty to think about.

Don't Get Disparate About Data Silos -- Wrangle Them With Trifacta

By combining visual data profiling, predictive transformation, and intelligent execution, Trifacta Wrangler allows firms to intuitively combine data sets and prepare raw data for analytics.

Google Has The Lead In Artificial Intelligence

Last week, Alphabet/Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) subsidiary DeepMind made a splash in the research community by publishing their work on AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence engine that can beat expert human players in the game of Go. From DeepMind's website: The game of Go is widely viewed as an unsolved "grand challenge" for artificial intelligence.

Once A Target Of Facebook, SwiftKey's A.I. Tech Goes To Microsoft For $250 Million

Microsoft adds to its new string of productivity apps while bolstering its artificial intelligence technology. Facebook tried and failed to buy the language tech company two years ago, sources say.

High School Kid Develops A Wearable Device For Parkinson's Patients

In 2014, Utkarsh Tandon, at the time a freshman at Cupertino High School in California, developed a machine learning model for his science fair project that collected and classified data on sufferers of Parkinson's disease. He won the fair, and, as part of his first place award, received a grant from the UCLA Brain Research Institute.

Defining Algorithms-a Conversational Explainer

Can I level with you? I'm not always sure I know what people are talking about when they say algorithm? You're not alone: Honestly, I haven't always been sure what I meant when I said it either. But here's the absolute simplest definition: An algorithm is a set of guidelines that describe how to perform a task.

How Technical Debt Could Leave Machine Learning Bankrupt

There has been a resounding uptick in attention around machine learning, but with relatively few large-scale systems in production (and even fewer public stories about progress and roadblocks), the wider story is all about the potential and dramatically less about the possibilities for problems. As we have covered here, building machine learning systems on the hardware front, while teeming with options, is not necessarily complex-at least in a relative sense.

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