Friday, March 11, 2016

Machine Learning News Issue 20

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Machine Learning. This is issue 20, please feel free to share this post.

The singularity is never coming, but it's already here

When I heard Ray Kurzweil present the concept of the singularity to a small group at TED, the idea that computing power advances would ultimately allow thinking machines to advance beyond humans' ability to advance them, and eventually allow us to "upload" our own consciousness into an eternal ether, I was so smitten I committed to living long enough to live forever.

Microsoft Research scientist David Heckerman on how we could attack HIV like spam

Although efforts to create an AIDS vaccine have gone on for more than three decades, none has produced a successful result. Strategies that have worked for more than a dozen other pathogens are easily thwarted by the slippery and unpredictable quick-change artist known as human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV.

RSA conference has machine-learning, cloud-based solutions on display - SD Times

It's no secret that computer security is a difficult area of expertise. At the annual RSA Conference in San Francisco this week, attendees were treated to a host of solutions to solve their security woes. As usual, however, software development is not the focus.

Betting on machine learning

A new community collaboration has been launched in Winnipeg to establish a national centre for the commercialization of machine learning - what many believe will be the foundation of the next stage in the digital revolution.Called the Enterprise Machine Intelligence and Learning Initiative (EMILI), it has been in development for about nine months and will be introduced at a Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce event today.

Your business should demand more from machine learning

I remember clearly my disappointment when I learned, as a college student, how computers were able to play skilled chess. I was taking my first course in artificial intelligence, and had assumed that such a mysterious and powerful topic must have similarly impressive methodologies.

Machine Learning for Hackers with Debian and Ubuntu

Data Science and Machine Learning are hot topics at the moment. Many people are considering how to extend their skills into these areas and many solutions have appeared, including full online degrees, free online courses combined with free software and for those who prefer hard copy, a staggering choice of books on the topic.

The "ultimate driving machine" may soon be a reality, BMW investing in self-driving cars

BMW Group, which has been building cars for 100 years and has touted their models as the "ultimate driving machine," says they plan to re-tool the company to compete with Google and others in the field of driver-less cars, and they are preparing for the world where the cars drive themselves, according to an article on

Will we ever really talk with the machines?

Like many people nowadays, I do not talk on my iPhone as much as talk to it. That's because it runs a program called Siri (Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface) that works as an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator. It's useful, in a way.

Deep Learning, Pachinko, and James Watt: Efficiency is the Driver of Uncertainty

It seems it may only be a matter of time before the best Go player on the planet is a computer. AlphaGo beat the European champion in Go and was driven by machine learning, a technology that has underpinned the recent major advances in artificial intelligence in computer vision, speech recognition and language translation.

Engaging and Collaborating through Machine Learning

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