Saturday, May 21, 2016

Machine Learning News Issue 47

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Machine Learning. This is issue 47, please feel free to share this post.
Momenta Learning

Why machine-learning will enhance, not replace, human creativity | Adobe

Machines are getting smarter. And pretty soon, they'll come for us. That seems to be the story today, whether from Hollywood or in breathless articles in popular tech magazines about artificial intelligence and nanotechnology. In a world where machines can learn, once humans push the "on" button, there's no stopping our robot overlords, right?

Stellar classification from single-band imaging using machine learning " Vox Charta

13 's: Brian Siana (UCR), rjoseph (EPFL - UniGe), revaz (EPFL - UniGe), Vivien Bonvin (EPFL - UniGe), kstringer (Texas A&M), otelford (University of Washington), Reiko (AIfA-Cosmo), imomcheva (STScI/JHU Galaxies), zhengz (University of Utah), Alexandre Boucaud (IAS Orsay), increaselin (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory), Malte Tewes (AIfA-Cosmo), mlam (Cornell) Information on the spectral types of stars is of great interest in view of the exploitation of space-based imaging surveys.

Readin', 'Ritin' And Robots: Machine Learning And Robotics Competition Sparks Young Inventors - GE Reports

Henry Wolfson doesn't ride horses, but that didn't stop him from bringing Sleipnir the robot, named after an eight-legged steed from a Norse myth, to St. Louis, Missouri, last month. Wolfson, who is 15 and goes to Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, built Sleipnir with his schoolmates to engage other fearsome robots in ...

Two Microsoft researchers elected to National Academy of Sciences for work on machine learning and probability theory

Regardless of the analysis of smartphone market share, Office and cloud revenues, quarterly profits, gaming consoles sales, Surface hardware, or search engine relevance, Microsoft remains a large company employing diversified and talented individuals.

Would you have survived the titanic? Try this step by step Machine Learning experiment to find out!

In this post I will show you step by step how to create a machine learning experiment with Azure Machine Learning Studio that allows you to predict whether you or your friends would have survived the sinking of the titanic! If you prefer to learn with a video, check out this great video by Jennifer...

BioData Mining

Real Time Cell Analysis (RTCA) technology is used to monitor cellular changes continuously over the entire exposure period. Combining with different testing concentrations, the profiles have potential in probing the mode of action (MOA) of the testing substances. In this paper, we present machine learning approaches for MOA assessment.

A far cry from robot domination

Reinforcement learning, however, is different in kind from predictive ML. Supervised and unsupervised learning methods are "one-shot" classifiers that attempt to make a single prediction from the data (given a set of features X, the most likely outcome is the value Y). RL, in contrast, is designed to implement higher order cognitive thinking.

Common Misconceptions About Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

Machine learning has never been more accessible than it is right now. Amazon utilizes it to uncover shopping habits and Netflix uses it to propose personalized movie selections. Many tech giants, both in the consumer and the business-facing arena, are using machine learning to build intelligent processes that can solve everything from creating more targeted search engine results to bigger challenges like climate change and cancer diagnostics.

How machine learning will transform hospitality | Information Age

Print this page Email article The hospitality industry has not always been at the forefront of high-tech innovation or implementation. Until recently, most of the bookings, transactions and administrative tasks at a hotel were handled manually.

New machine learning centre in the UK | Money Management

The University of Oxford and an independent alternative investment manager, Man AHL, will expand its centre for machine learning into quantitative finance, which will become part of the university's engineering science department from 1 August, 2016.

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