Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Machine Learning News Issue 50

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Machine Learning. This is issue 50, please feel free to share this post.
Momenta Learning

Machine Learning, AI and Bullshit Detection

Sometimes I feel like Silicon Valley has become one big collective company. Name a major tech company that isn't working on all of the following: VR, bots, personal assistants, home speakers, messaging apps.And on the face of it, very little sets apart the Google flavor of these products- ...

The application of the law to machine learning and artificial intelligence - The Law Society

The Law Society President joins Catherine Reed for a podcast on the topic of the application of the law to machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Machine Learning is Hot Right Now. Is Your Company in the Conversation?

It seems, machine learning, and its closely related cousins, artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning, predictive and prescriptive analytics and automation, is trending, big time. From Google's DeepMind taking on and beating the world's best Go player to Audi's self-driving RS7 racing all comers, stories about machines encroaching on human tasks is all the rage.

Watch-Bot uses machine learning to determine when you're bad at life

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When neural networks are hot in the field of machine learning, everything looks like a pattern-matching problem. When you leave the milk out, a robot will tell you.

Lustre to DAOS: Machine Learning on Intel's Platform

Training a machine learning algorithm to accurately solve complex problems requires large amounts of data. The previous article discussed how scalable distributed parallel computing using a high-performance communications fabric like Intel Omni-Path Architecture (Intel OPA) is an essential part of what makes the training of deep learning on large complex datasets tractable in both the data center and within the cloud.

Morning Read: Nvidia tech to support machine learning could create smarter medical imaging

TOP STORIES An article explores how Nvidia Corp. microchips, the kind that are used in video games and by social media networks for photo tagging, are being applied to medicine. They are being used to add machine learning to medical imaging.

Personalized Machine Learning Now Sits In Your Back Pocket

Snips is an AI platform looking to streamline the way you live your life "I strongly believe in a future where artificial intelligence will manage technology for us, allowing people to live their lives with the feeling of being unplugged," says Dr. Rand Hindi, founder and CEO of Snips.

Importance of Data Modeling and Subject Matter Experts In Machine Learning

A friend of mine recently reminded me of the notorious quote from Frederick Jelinek (the father of modern speech recognition), "Anytime a linguist leaves the group the recognition rate goes up." I remember being quite upset about it, back during my lnguistics studies. Is it really so that if we exchange the domain experts (i.e.

Ravelin Allows Businesses to Tackle Fraud via Machine Learning and Graph Networks | Payment Week

From London today, Ravelin has introduced a new approach to security analytics for businesses. Ravelin, specialists in fraud detection technology have revealed their new fraud detection software that combines machine learning, graph networks, and behavioral analytics to deliver real-time fraud reports.

Google's 'Magenta' project will see if AIs can truly make art

That's not an entirely new endeavor. Researchers and creatives have been generating music through technology for years. One notable name in the field is Dr. Nick Collins, a composer who uses machine learning to create songs, some of which were adapted in the making of a computer-generated musical launched earlier this year.

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