Monday, June 20, 2016

Machine Learning News Issue 58

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Machine Learning. This is issue 58, please feel free to share this post.
Momenta Learning

New video series goes behind the scenes to show how machine learning drives Bing Predicts

The Bing Predicts team has a series of videos available that delves deep into how machine learning powers their forecasts of the results of sporting events, awards shows, political elections, and more. Bing Predicts uses machine learning with the help of Bing search, social media sites, and other web information to make informed guesses on the outcome of these events.

Machine learning is the new face of enterprise data

While the complexity of the searching and result-ranking technology behind Apple's Siri would likely elude most of its users, the value of a context-sensitive personal assistant certainly has not. Yet while Siri spawned a new generation of anthropomorphic digital assistants, researchers in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are taking the concept much further to help enterprises catch up to the growth of data.

Big Data, Big Solutions and How Machine Learning Will Help Bring Businesses into the Future - insideBIGDATA

In this special guest feature, Ran Sarig, Co-founder and CEO of Datorama, discusses the importance of applying machine learning to data integration or 'cleansing' processes with speed and at a scale in order to keep up with the ever increasing number of data sources. And why Big Data needn't be a big mess anymore.

Securing Big Data Platforms: Machine Learning and Encryption

Government agencies within smart cities are seeing a critical advantage in big data analytics, especially when it comes to accessing large, historical data sets for smarter decision-making. However, many public sector organizations still struggle to take advantage of information-driven decisions and stores of untapped big data sit within these agencies due to difficulties with accessibility or security concerns.

Natero: Machine learning for SaaS customer retention

Statistical Data Analysis The world of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning is one that seems to get muddled. On the one hand, there is all the science fiction potential of truly smart machines, on the other, there is the gradual automation of complex data analysis enabled by machine learning.

Sift Science Is Fighting Online Fraud With Machine Learning

Online fraud is a perpetually growing problem for retailers, financial institutions, and consumers in general, but Sift Science believes it has the solution, thanks to pattern recognition and machine intelligence. Incubated at Y Combinator, Sift Science launched in 2011.

Microsoft Uses Machine Learning To Construct The Perfect Sky

On any given night, 7 billion people might look into the sky and see things from a slightly different perspective. Or as artist Maja Petrić puts it, "we have one sky, but the experiences are infinite." That's why, working with machine learning researcher Nebojša Jojić in Microsoft Research's Studio99, Petrić created The Skies Epitomized .

Former NASA chief's startup exits stealth with a 256-core machine learning chip

Daniel Goldin has an impressive resume. The 75-year-old spent over a quarter century in the aerospace industry during the first leg of his career, went on to become the director of NASA and is now returning to the fold as the head of a newly launched startup.

IBM Expands Reach of Data Science and Machine Learning

Building on its $300 million investment in Apache Spark a year ago, IBM is announcing new initiatives including an environment where data scientists can learn, create and collaborate with peers using whatever data science language they prefer, donation of new open source technologies that help bring Spark to members of the R community, and an open ecosystem of partners to help expand innovation.

Open Source Machine Learning Degree

A set of free resources for learning machine learning, inspired by similar open source degree resources. Find links to books and book-length lecture notes for study. By Allen Sarkisyan, DataScience, Inc. Learn machine learning for free, because free is better than not-free. This website is inspired by the datasciencemasters/go and open-source-cs-degree Github pages.

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