Saturday, June 4, 2016

Machine Learning News Issue 52

Welcome to the Momenta Learning News on Machine Learning. This is issue 52, please feel free to share this post.
Momenta Learning

$100K Machine Learning Challenge

100K Machine Learning Challenge In partnership with Udacity, Chinese ridesharing company Didi Chuxing has announced a global machine learning competition to come up with a better ride matching algorithm using Didi's published data sets. The grand prize winner not only gets $100,000 and worldwide acclaim, and also a chance to work at the Didi Research Lab in China or Silicon Valley.

Machine-learning radars may be coming to automotive

IMEC is already working with automotive radar market leader Infineon Technologies AG at 79GHz in 28nm CMOS (see Infineon, IMEC collaborate on 79GHz CMOS radar). Now it wants to go to a yet smaller wavelength and add machine learning to the back end of its sensors said Wim van Thillo, program director for perceptive systems at IMEC, speaking at the IMEC Technology Forum.

The problem with analytics

There is a difference between knowledge and understanding. Knowledge typically comes down to knowing facts while understanding is the application of knowledge to the mastery of systems. You can know a lot while understanding very little.

Could Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning be Apple's BlackBerry moment?

Unlike Google, Facebook, and Amazon, Apple appears to be sitting out the massive data suck revolution. So, doomed?

Facebook's machine learning director shares tips for building a successful AI platform - TechRepublic

It's no longer up for debate that AI is set to have a major impact on most businesses, if it isn't already-and any company that wants to stay ahead must figure out how to integrate the new technology into its structure. But how is a successful AI platform built?

Machine Learning Key To Automatic Target Recognition

"Machine Learning Key To Automatic Target Recognition" is part of the new Aviation Week & Space Technology subscription, now available online and in our newly launched mobile app. Current Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine subscribers: online and mobile access are now included at no added charge to you.

Insight Into How VISR Uses Machine Learning to Monitor Kids Social Media

Posted 2 days ago by RICHARD HARRIS, Executive Editor Reichman: Our mission is to give parents the ability to keep their kids safe and healthy online while giving them independence at the same time. We believe that although today's digital world represents larger issues than ever before, it also offers unprecedented opportunities for preventative health.

Automation, machine learning vital for IoT

The true value of the Internet of Things is when it is used in conjunction with autonomous devices and machine learning, according to SAS' chief analytics officer for Australia and New Zealand, Evan Stubbs.

Machine Learning Key Terms, Explained

An overview of 12 important machine learning concepts, presented in a no frills, straightforward definition style. There are many posts on KDnuggets covering the explanation of key terms and concepts in the areas of Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, etc. (see here, here, and here).

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning refers to the process by which computers develop pattern recognition, or the ability to continuously learn from and make predictions based on data, then make adjustments without being specifically programmed to do so. A form of artificial intelligence, machine learning effectively automates the process of analytical model building and allows machines to adapt to new scenarios independently.

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