Monday, November 13, 2017

Tangent fills a unique gap in the machine learning tools space

Tangent fills a unique gap in the machine learning tools space

Tangent fills a unique gap in the machine learning tools space - JAXenter

Tangent is a new, free, and open-source Python library for automatic differentiation. What does that mean exactly? Unlike existing machine learning libraries, Tangent is a source-to-source system, consuming a Python function f and emitting a new Python function that computes the gradient of f, Alex Wiltschko, Research Scientist in the Google Brain Team wrote in a blog post announcing the project.
Tangent is a new, free, and open-source Python library for automatic differentiation. What does that mean exactly? Unlike existing machine learning libraries, Tangent is a source-to-source system, consuming a Python function f and emitting a new Python function that computes the gradient of f, Alex Wiltschko, Research Scientist in the Google Brain Team wrote in a blog post announcing the project.

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